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Newly Qualified Pharmacists; We Want You!

As a newly qualified pharmacist, you’re at the start of a bright career in an ever-changing industry. You may still be wondering what direction your career journey will take. If you’re here reading this you might even be considering starting work as a locum pharmacist.

If so, we’d love for you to consider starting your locum journey with us.

Do Pharmaseekers really need me?


We’re always looking for newly qualified pharmacists to join our ranks. We have work available nationwide for locum pharmacists. We can also offer stay away opportunities if you live in a region with a lot of competition.

What can Pharmaseekers offer a newly qualified pharmacist?

We have been established & excelling in the locum pharmacy industry for 20 years now. With links to the leading companies in the industry, we can offer you a variety of  work. Locum pharmacists living within highly populated areas can struggle to establish themselves. Particularly when competing with such a high quantity of fellow professionals. If you’re interested in working in areas in need of locum pharmacists, we can use our connections and knowledge to offer sound advice. Give us a call to discuss.

With our extensive experience and small dedicated team, we offer a tailored service to meet your needs.

Your online diary can be customised to take account of mileage, hours and customer preferences. You tell us when you’re free and we offer you work that matches your criteria.

!New to 2022! – We have now introduced our Circulated Vacancy Search (CVS) tool. Locums can use CVS to search for and make offers on all available vacancies within your wider area, on dates of your choosing. With sort options and filters, it’s easy to get a tailored list of search results for you to make offers on.

Our aim is to help you become an ‘in-demand’ locum. How do we do this?

  1. We use our knowledge & expertise to guide you on how to make the most of your role.

  2. By gathering feedback so we can offer you advice on what your customers consider to be best practice.

  3. We dedicate time to research so we keep up with industry expectations and use our findings to keep you informed.

  4. By investing in our system so you can spend minimal but effective time managing your locum diary.

What should I know as a Newly Qualified Pharmacist?

There isn’t much information that’s only relevant to a newly qualified pharmacist. All locum pharmacists, whether they qualified this year or 10 years ago, still benefit from the same advice. We’d encourage you to be as open as possible and work a variety of shifts. Only through your own experiences will you find what you’re comfortable with.

Over the years, we’ve written lots of advice blogs for our locums, you may find these helpful:

DBS Certificates:

General Advice:

How can I join Pharmseekers?

You can join our team today by registering online, use the button below. We look forward to working with you!Register



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